Our Latest Interview

Listen in on the latest interview with Dr. Richard Juda on Blog Talk Radio, February 21, 2019 at 3pm.

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Who is really managing
The Business of Healthcare for you?

Ready to turn your traditional cost center into a thriving hospital profit center? Innovative Healthcare Group is re-engineering programs around the country with an emerging model for program development.


Profit Center

Instead of managing The Business of Hospitals, medical teams around the country are busy managing patients, staffing their departments, trying to meet regulatory requirements, and are focused on hospital-specific quality/performance metrics.

So who is really managing the business side of the various departments within the hospital. Innovative Health Group sends in a Physician Executive led team to assess, evaluate, recommend, and implement winning strategies that are customized to your market.


Partnerships for Success

Align your physician success with the strategic plan of the hospital, and with the vision of the executive leadership team and board.
Implement the structure and processes required to increase the quality of care, improve outcomes, and increase the financial results for the healthcare system and physicians.

Every dollar counts! Let us help you find savings within your current system.

A highly successful program creates long term value for patients, physicians, staff, and all other stakeholders in the community:

  • Improved quality
  • Increased engagement
  • Standardization of care
  • Risk mitigation
  • Improved communication
  • Reinvest existing dollars found
  • Increased efficiency
  • Lower turnover
  • Increased reimbursement
  • Improved workflow
  • Improved recruiting potential


We help you infuse valuable dollars back into your system and the team!

Regulatory Updates
& Continued
Healthcare Reform

At risk >7% fee schedule reduction
Medical Groups:
At risk >6% fee reduction
At risk – 2% of the annual update Rehab, Skilled Nursing, Long-Term Care, Home Health, Ambulatory Surgery, Dialysis, Hospice


The Quality Paradigm

  • Core Measures: removed SCIP, HF, PN
  • Patient Experience: Care Transition measures go public
  • Structural Measures: Safe Surgery Checklist added FY17
  • Safety & HAI: Severe Sepsis Bundled added to FY17
  • Claims-Based Measures (mortality & readmissions): COPD, STK added to FY16, CABG added to FY17
  • Cost/Efficiency: payment per episode for AMI added to FY16, PN and HF-added to FY17
  • e-Measures: AMI, Care Plan, Perinatal, Hearing added to FY17

Medical Billing and Collections

  • Electronic Remittance and Posting of Patient Claims
  • Claim Submission
  • CPT and ICD-10 Coding
  • Compliance with Payor Rules and Government Regulations
  • Denial Management
  • Physician Credentialing with Payors
  • Provider Enrollment into Payor Plans
  • Acceptance of Credit Card Payments for Patient Services Rendered by Practitioners
  • Eligibility
  • Customized Financial Claims Reporting


  • On-site assessment and evaluation by Physician and Nurse Executive team
  • Presentation of findings to Physician and Executive Leadership teams
  • Strategic, customized recommendations
  • Assistance with implementation and transformation to establish critical milestones
  • specific programs include but are not limited to:
    • hospitalist
    • emergency medicine
    • anesthesiology
    • critical care
    • surgery

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